What we know and have no solution to...
OK, so I was approaced by a Jehovah's Witness on my way hom efrom Jess' last week. She was informing me that the bible states that Terrorism will end. God will not let it continue. From the moment she started talking to me I just wanted to explain my point of view. However, I didn't want to talk to this woman because it would be a waste of my time, so I just stood there and listened to her.
She asked me if I thought terrorism would ever end. I said "I don't know." Which is true, I don't, but what I wanted to say was, "It will end when the government and global think tanks want it to." I wanted to say that what she read to me in the bible did not use the terms terrorism or government or think tank. It did not say when terrorism would end or how. To me what the bible says is strictly subjective. Anyone could read a passage from the bible and interpret it however they want. The bible is a piece of fiction as far as I am concerned.
She did offer me a magazine because I was interested in what it would offer me in terms of understandign further and perhaps getting some clear evidence. As I expected I was disappointed with what I read. The only thing I did learn is that Jehovah's Witnesses believe in non-violent methods of change. They don't believe in violence. I admired this about them in opposition to many religions.
I really wanted to scan the cover of the magazine and post it on my blog but I unfortunately do not have the resources to do so.
So this got me to thinking. The government uses terrorism as a method to make us live in fear and they want us to hate muslims. They want us to be willing to fight wars for them this hatred. However Michael Moore's Ferenheigt 9/11, and films like Why we Fight and The Power of Nightmares are exposing the motives behind recent wars and people are starting to realize that, in the words of Boots Reilly, "War isn't about one land against the next, it's poor people die so the rich cash cheques."
The U.S. is having a hard time getting people to recruit for the army. Hilary Clinton is getting booed by democratic supporters for supporting the Iraq War. If the U.S. tried conscription now, the president would surely be impeached, the country is no longer in support. The general public wants peace.
The government is losing it's psychological battle. These fims and the internet's media coverage are changing people opinions daily.
So what scares me is what length these think tanks will go to. I fear that nuclear war is coming in the not too distant future. These think tanks in the form of government, if not people they will use nukes to fight wars, and I seriously believe it.
And all this bull-shit is over-shadowing the fact that global warming is the biggest crisis we should be facing. One thing I realised from that Jehovah's Witness magazine I read was that people who were in New Orleans prior to the huricane last year were not concerned because they had lived through one of the same magnitude in 1969. The difference with this hurricane which was not the magnitude, was the amount of water that flooded the city.
So be wary of Stephen Harper and the increased military spending. Increased military is the use of our hard earned money to fight wars that represent monitary gain for the people in these think tanks. Military spending rips us off as people. War rips us off as people. They take our money and our lives.
And who gives a fuck about the lowered G.S.T.?
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