You can shove this up your blog and link it

I caved under pressure, i succombed to the sounds, the sounds of peer pressure

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Harper you sly dog....

Doesn't the arrests in Toronto on 17 suspected terrorists seem a little bit suspicious to you?

Remember when Stephen Harper was campaigning for Prime Minister and he made the claims that he wanted tighter border control and poice with guns in the streets?

People were not willing to accept this at the time, and the other political parties were in disagreement too. Well... after this 'scare' it seems he has gotten his way and these things are taking place.

It is also no coincidence that this took place in Toronto, the largest city in Canada, and the most opposed to a Conservative government. So what do we expect next? How soon will an election be called? Will the people of Toronto begin to believe that it is Stephen Harper that will make them feel safe? Will they change their minds about him?

I watched Global TV's coverage last night and it was all very CNN. It felt like they wanted me to be scared. They even did this segment where they parked a truck out front of Toronto major centres and timed how long it took for anyone to question it. Who cares??

Check out this article:

You don't have to agree with me but do this: Think responsibly.

Jon Stewart recently discussed how New York was no longer recieving money for 'Terror' protection citing it had no major landmarks and was not a threat. Things like the Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and the Empire State Building are not important and New York is not a major American City.


Blogger passthejuice said...

sounds like this really grinds your gears Tristan...

I think it's funny that allegedly one of these 17 guys wanted to behead Steven Harper. They also wanted to blow up apparently EVERYTHING else in SW Ontario. Clearly these are just some angry guys sitting around drinking and shooting the shit, tossing hyperbole around and making empty threats. And one of them decided to write it down. It's all in the interpretation. This guy never actually said he wanted to behead the PM. That is a pure inference and manipulation created by the media from his general statements. He was like "dude, what if someone took Parliament hostage... and they, like, executed people on tv and shit. Like the PM, and that Sheila Copps bitch. Dude... that'd be hype. Pass the bong"

And now the Toronto Star headline is something like "TERRORIST PLANNED TO BEHEAD PM". Balls.

What if it went like this?

"Man, Stephen Harper is such a fag. I mean, his whole hardline on gay marriage is clearly a manifestation of his personal inner struggle with his own sexuality. He's just like the Pope, and Bush and Hitler in that respect. We should get them all naked and stuff them into a bush washroom together. Poke their cornholes with broom handles and shit.... Pass the bong".

The media would love it.


"Is minor hockey a breeding ground for terrorism? A14"

"Sodomy leads to hate crimes - a report. B3"

"Police Cheif considers ban on broom handles, irony. CITY11"

"Today's crossword will no longer appear as it is believed to promote individual thought"

"Junior Jumble D18"

8:30 AM  
Blogger Counter Mag said...

yeah, Marko's got the right Idea. I wonder what they just might be doing behind the media whilst we are focused on this barely historic event. They might be negotiating some crazy shit with ontario's soft-wood lumber dispute.
'Lets let the US decide, they know what they are talking about"-Dalton M.
personally, I think steven harper would do a lot better without a head ('Radical Artist Calvin Coles plans to Behead the Prime-minister and Replace it with Jack Layton's head')
no, its just that I think Steven Harper already has a very characature-like head, and he looks like a beaver. We need a very Genuine looking Prime minister, like.....Sam Roberts.

1:08 PM  
Blogger passthejuice said...

how about friggin' Justin Trudeau? Wait, scratch him and his Katimavik bullshit. Hou about friggin' Alexandre Trudeau??? There's someone who knows what's going on. Alexandre Trudeau for P.M., Gord Downie for Deputy P.M., and Sam Roberts for pageboy.

5:48 PM  
Blogger calvin said...

yeah, and lets keep in mind that 14 of the 17 terrorists are under 20. Teenage kids do some pretty stupid shit when they are influenced by a fashionable figure in their community. There might just be one terrorist, that 43 year old, who has corrupted these poor children. If these kids were not middle eastern, the headlines would be much different. marko, what might the headlines read?

5:46 PM  
Blogger passthejuice said...

I dunno


"Minister of Human Resources calls for national mentorship registration program A14"

*** Is your child looking up to someone? Stone Phillips tells you why you may be overlooking this -- hidden danger... coming up at 11 ***

Is that ok?

P.S. chicken for dinner tonight - eating at 6.

11:05 PM  

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